My father has lung cancer, stage 4. It spread to his brain, and now to his liver and hip. The brain tumor has been shrunk to almost a non-existent spec, but the lung tumor is fighting the treatments. The cancer in the liver and hip was just found, so treatment on both has just begun. If he didn't have the treatments, he'd still be functioning fine. He was built, strong and very active until the cancer gave that subtle hint that sent him to the doctor. He'd been swimming laps and noticed a numbness in his arm this summer, and that is how it was discovered. Had his arm not felt tingly and numb in areas, the cancer would not have been found until it engulfed his entire body. Cancer, an evil disease.
My son can't wait for his grandpa to come home this evening. He's been in the hospital all week. The new chemo had a side effect that made his fall, so they had to keep him for observation and tests. This not only distressed us, the adults, but made my son very agitated.
I have a friend who lost her father over the Christmas holiday in 2006, when my son was born. He has lung cancer. I'm relieved that my father will be here for the holidays, and for my son's birthday. I cannot imagine losing a loved one on a special day, or having a special day or event marked by a tragedy. My sister's birthday was a reminder of Sept. 11th for a long time.
I'm glad my Dad is coming home, and will be able to spend the holidays with his family, and know he's loved.
-----Email Message-----
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 2:59 AM
Subject: Brain Cancer
My mother has brain cancer. She was diagnosed during the holiday season last year. They told her she probably had two months to live. My mother is sitting in the room next to me, and will be here for the holidays this year.
I don't believe in god, but I am praying for a miracle for your father. My mom got one.

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