The truth is finally out.
Teddy was confronted by yet another woman; another smart, confident, strong, good, kind and loving woman, but not a woman who takes anyone's shit.
"THE CAT'S OUT OF THE BAG," Teddy. And Teddy, you have no idea how long we've been holding this in. This just scrapes the surface. It goes so much deeper than you're even aware. Now who is laughing? Me and KEKE are laughing—at YOU.
The only two women to ever give this guy the proper time of day were both trashed talked by this narcissistic douchebag. Anyone who was on drugs, or married to someone else, or who really didn't give a crap about him—or know him—he treated far better. For a while. The woman who just let it all out in his pathetic lying face is far too good a woman for me to name here, which is why I'm only going use "K" in any blog entry about Fabrizio "Teddy" Cordero.* She is a friend. She works hard. She is family-oriented and she knows what it important in life. She doesn't take anyone's shit. She has her priorities straight. She put up with this LOSER for many years, and still does. How did he thank her? He thanked her by denying her. He showed his appreciation by claiming to others that she didn't exist. That she wasn't his type. That she was an old, fat lazy bitch. He insisted to dozens of people over the years (2004 to 2010) that she "wasn't his type" and was just a room mate, an "older woman" and he even wondered out loud, "Do you think she is in love with me?" "Babe, you think she talks to my family so much 'cause she likes me or something? She's always gossiping on the phone with my mother" *phone rings* "Hey mama, I was thinking, she's being a fucking bitch and won't send me my money, so I think she is in love with me... what should I do?"
What a fucking bullshitter.
Funny how this bastard works. He denies any relationship with the other woman who gave him the proper time of day. Me. That's hilarious, because hundreds of our friends on Facebook saw Fabrizio "Calicio" Cordero change his status from "single" to "in a relationship"—with me. Not for an hour. Not for a day. For weeks he left it like that, until he flaked out one day, crying his ass off like a baby, saying he wasn't ready for a serious relationship—yet in that very same week, he said he wanted to marry me! Wait, it gets ALASKA! "Babe, I know when I'm right, so don't even think you're gonna say anything to tell me I'm wrong. I'm going to marry you and I know where, I got this special place and I got it all planned out, I'm going to take you to Alaska for our wedding..."
Ha ha ha!!!
Last night, while drunk off his ass (a common occurrence for this manipulative loser), he claimed to the other good, decent woman (Keke Reaves) that his relationship with me was fake. Wow, so fake that he called me numerous times each day and night! So fake that he begged me, while crying hysterically, to be with him forever, to marry him in Alaska at that special place he knew of, so fake that he cooked me dinner and breakfast, so fake that he bought me and my son food, etc., at Costco and packed my trunk full with supplies. SO FAKE that he constantly reminded me how "awesome" I was, how much he supposedly loved me, how cool I was, how there was no one else like me that was like him (and that's a lie, because I'm not like him, I'm REAL), that shared the same interests, and so fake that he was the one who pursued me long before I had any idea, and my friends kept him at bay.
So fake that one night this past May, he called 17 times until I finally picked up the phone. SEVENTEEN times from 2:16am on until I picked up! Fake as him telling me to set myself down mid-May so he could list to me "10 reasons why I love you." This douche listed 10 reasons he loved me *gag* and then a few more!
What a fucking NUTJOB.
To the woman who is currently dealing with him and his total bullshit right this very moment: you have my blessings! You have my friendship and trust. You are strong, and I know you'll do what needs to be done.
After all, we're the ones who are bipolar. LOL
(I'll explain this inside joke in the second part of this entry. It'll all make sense.)
Teddy, you knew one day your creepy, lying ways would catch up to you.
You are not RMDHA. You eat meat, and you did neglect your cats when you decided to run off to pop pills and get drunk off your face with that ghetto trash Katherina "Pebbles" P. (And dude, YOU called her ghetto trash before any of us, so don't get fucking hostile; you said "that whore is ghetto, I got my reasons..." oh yeah, and you said a lot more.) And what about the dogs? Chained to posts in a yard for over 7 to 9 years! Your mother and sister see nothing wrong with it, but you claimed you did when you lived in Alaska, so when you returned to Jersey, you were the big talker who was going to liberate them from their hell. Did it happen? No. You ignored them once you started running amok, drinking and doing drugs with every easy ghetto whore in the area. The poor dogs are still chained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How sad.
How pathetic that you told the world you were a militant vegan, only to ditch veganism for a slut who loved meat, something you'd given up so long ago and told me and others you'd never eat again because you were a militant vegan and the very thought of meat even touching your plate would make you puke. You went from a fake vegan (you were using eggs, fish and cheese for a long time) to an all-out hardcore carnivore. How does one go from being vegan to eating animals, after supposedly being so compassionate about them? How many times did you call me to tell me that your family took all your money and you had no food, so you had to starve or eat chicken soup and then throw up (as if that made any sense!)? How many times did you tell me that if *I* ate meat, I better brush my teeth before coming over? Ha! (And I didn't eat meat, you dumb ass, but you were suspicious of me because YOU WERE eating meat! Pretending you didn't!) Are you that easy to change? It's sad that people all around the world use your images for the animal rights movement, for anti-vivisection and for animal activism, when you stopped caring the moment you took up with drugging whores, as you call her and the others. (And whore is what you call all of them, is it not? YES, it is.) Maybe you never really cared at all. Quite possible.
Last night, he told Keke that all the Jersey girls "he fucked" were "bitches that were on his dick." He claims they are all in love with him, and all of them are obsessed with him to this very day! He was talking about one woman behind her back last month, and I wanted to tell her for the sake of her daughter's safety, but chose not to due to the "gossip factor." (I'm friends with her, and she NEVER MET TEDDY.) He was in Philly with Keke visiting his brother, and they get on the phone was his brother in FL. His brothers brought up a girl I'll call "Dee" for this entry. Philly bro wanted to know what was going on with Teddy and this woman Dee, and Teddy said "I already had a piece of that; Jay-D can come up here and get a piece of her ass next." Is that how you talk about women? Is that how you treat women? Sadly, Keke said that the brother thinks he has a chance with this woman — a mother and a hard working Mom, too. These Cordero brothers all think women are just for their pleasure and fun, and behind the backs of women, they talk about them like all women are whores.
Jay-D Cordero, did you think your brother didn't say you were a "playa" and cheat on your wife? Wise up, bro! While you were allegedly having a huge laugh about me, he was calling me the next day having a huge laugh about you! Teddy made fun of you for weeks before you came to visit him. I was actually shocked you were there when I arrived! He'd made such nasty, negative comments about you and your family, and said you'd never visit. You were played just as much as I was, Jay-D. I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm just putting it out there because Teddy knows he talked shit about you all the time. Telling everyone that you cheat on your wife was just the icing on the cake regarding his mouthing off pertaining to you.
*2012 UPDATE: I've decided to stop hiding the name of Teddy Cordero's old girlfriend/housemate (and possibly current girlfriend, since they are housemates since 2010 when she allowed him to come back to Anchorage with her) which is why "K" has been replaced in some paragraphs with the name Keke. I made this decision based upon two years of waiting for Keke to keep her word. She made promises to me before leaving New Jersey, and while back home in Alaska, and to this day she never kept them. Before she even stepped onto the plane back to Anchorage, she swore to me that she would confront Teddy about his behavior towards me and then allow me to speak to him once they returned to Alaska. Her idea was for her to call me, or me to call her, and then put him on the phone so I could say what I needed to and put an end to the drama and lies. She said she wanted me to confront him, and she was going to make it happen as soon as possible. for over a year I heard excuse after excuse, and even some rude, nasty comments followed by apologies. Even when Teddy made prank calls from her cell phone, she covered up for him. I knew she was not going to keep her promise and there was no reason I should be loyal to a person who kept putting a childish narcissist before someone she claimed was a real friend. If she was so strong a woman, she would have been able to say "NO" to this loser at any time. She wasn't capable of doing that. She lied far too many times and tried to blame his family in Puerto Rico (or his sister Fabiola) for the lies she would tell me. I never bought the bullshit and eventually I said my piece and took her off my contacts—all of them.
Last night, Teddy was confronted about Pebbles (Katherina), yet again. He said she was a whore, a bitch and that he never loved her or gave a shit about her. Funny... he dropped his life for her and left his cats to fend for themselves for her, and now she's a "whore." His sister told someone that "Pebbles" is a pill-popping, drinking, partying slut, and sort of deserved to get the drama she got from Mr. Egomaniac because Pebbles, aka Katie actually just wanted free tattoos and piercings for herself and her family. Again, I'm just repeating the BS passed on from the family members of Douchebag.
I'm still on the fence about what was said about "Dee" by the sister and the other relatives. "Dee" was very sweet when I spoke to her, and this creepy selfish nutbar's family claims she was after him, obsessed with him and that everything he says is fact. My experience says NOTHING he says is fact, so as far as "Dee" goes, I doubt it. Flirted? Probably. Ever met? No way. There's a large handful of people talking nasty about "Dee" and I feel bad about it, because I know what it's like; this tremendous douche had it done to me, so it very well could be the same thing going on about her. Douche's sister will swear on a bible that "Dee" is obsessed with her brother and did things behind her husband's back with Teddy the sociopath. What did Keke say? "Teddy said he fucked the shit out of her." Yeah, whatever. That's to both of you.
(Update winter 2011: The latest BS is that Fabiola wants to tell "Dee's" husband she cheated on him. It's not even true. It was supposedly said while Fabz was in Alaska. "Revenge on "Dee" and Pebbles.")
Getting back to "Pebbles." The sick thing about Fabrizio/Teddy was his obsession with getting this twat knocked up. He swore he did. He obsessed over it. It's nauseating, because he'd asked me to have his baby a few times, along with a few other women. Now for what will make you ill: this mentally depraved sicko has told at least two women, confirmed, that he — are you ready? — wants to KILL A BABY. No, that's not a joke. No, it's not funny and you shouldn't laugh, because he was DEAD SERIOUS. When he realizes he's freaked you out by telling you (and he tells only those he has told deep, dark secrets to), he panics and calls or tells you the next day, "ONLY KIDDING! WOW, I fooled you!" No, he isn't kidding. This secret of his spans years. He's told few, and we all held it in, it was so horrible. I opened up first, and then another followed. There are not many women that he's confessed his inner feelings to, so any BS he's told about me is just that — BS. I know him more than he knows himself, and so does the other woman I've spoken of, the other women who treated him kindly and with all the love she could. This man wants to experience killing a young child, preferably a baby or toddler. You don't want to know what else he said, because it will make you SICK.
Think it's a lie? Get him high and drunk and ask him. You might find out the truth.
This is what he gets for using people, lying and being a narcissistic sociopath. Fuck you, idiot.
You don't deserve respect or privacy. You lost that privilege when you disrespected me and Keke (not the trailer trash K aka Pebbles, but Keke)to your family and so-called "friends." One day, though I doubt it, you might realize who your friends really were.
This morning, he threatened Keke. She took care of him for 10 years in Alaska, and this is how he thanks her. She'd confronted him about all his lies, the lies about her, about me and about all the women and all the far-fetched stories he'd told to people like me. He was furious. He told her she was a crazy bitch (sounds familiar) and then told her he was going to destroy her and "fuck her over." He said "all those bitches are in love" with him, that we're all "on his dick" and that she's a bitch for listening to any of it. She told him to GET THE FUCK OUT. He's been living in her home since the cats were rescued and he followed her back to Alaska. He's just furious because she knows all about his lies, and now he knows she knows. He'd threatened me the same, and I laughed at him. She'd told me that after I told him off, he said "this crazy bitch is obsessed with me, she's on my dick and in love with me..." She asked WHO and he would not say a name. She knew who, and called me up right away. We laughed hysterically. This is a guy who needs more than just an Ativan. There's some serious issues going on.
She took this photo of him, and he sent it to every girl he met!
He lied again and changed his story about me. First (back around July 4th) he said he and I were a one night stand. He said this because he didn't want his sister and mother to know the truth. I always snuck in and out. They saw me once, well the sister saw me twice actually. Then he said nothing ever happened, we were just good friends. This morning, he said we had a relationship, but it was fake. !!! Fake! Who says "I had a fake relationship" and keeps a straight face? This guy is 34 now and actually had the balls to say that! I laughed and then said "I'm outing him. He's DONE. He might as well move to PR because after I'm through, everyone will know what a prick he really is, no matter how smooth a talker he is, no matter what a charmer, eventually someone will find out the truth and his world will blow up in his face. Fake... hahahaha!!! This is the guy I was friends with for almost SIX YEARS. Now he prides himself on lying about me and saying the most horrible things about me, all because... well, who knows! He's disturbed, and no one really knows what makes him do and say what he does.
UPDATE: Days later, he's back to "we were just good friends and nothing ever happened."
This dude is seriously ill! I told EVERYTHING he told me, every crazy-ass tale, to everyone, including his old girlfriend, so he can just lie and lie and tell his stories, but we all know the truth. He's a psycho, a bipolar schizophrenic paranoid freak who thinks he has a relative that's a judge (NO) and thinks he's surfed in Hawaii (NEVER) and thinks he has the FBI after him for activity in AK a few years ago and that's why he left (ummm, NO), but he left because his pathetic, lazy jobless ass was kicked out!
Fake? Yeah, okay... whatever you want to try and convince yourself, FABRIZIO.
I really don't recall asking him to claim I was his best friend OR ex, but he can tell the world I was a "one night stand" all he wants.
The proof is all on my computer, my phone records, and the artwork he did for me, including a skateboard deck and three ink drawings.
Haha, okay, sure... fake. Riiiight.
More fakeness from Fabrizio Cordero. :D
OMG, SO fake. pfffft!
I always make an album about someone I'm faking it with. Hahahaha
Fake? Oh, okay "Mr. Bipolar" liar. :D
Then why make an album, dumb ass?
Or, do this?
Fake. Okay, right Teddy. I must've forced you to send me these messages. *rolls eyes*
Why did you turn into such a

FAKE Message from Mr. Cordero. LOL
FAKE Comments below. NOT!
You think you can threaten women and get away with it? WRONG.
I will OUT YOU (oh wait, I already have!) for EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO ME, and TO HER, and you know very well who she is.
"YUMMY?" Did you say yummy!!!! FAKE?
(moving along...)
Teddy Cordero's attempt to scare, bully and threaten me:
Teddy should have known better than to screw with me. Not only did I reply, I let him know that if he did NOT apologize for being a psychotic creep, and for not returning my belongings, I would publicly post the truth about him. I gave him over a month to say sorry, and I gave him plenty of time to return even one item, but he couldn't, because it was all thrown out by his family and he doesn't know I know that. He allowed them to trash my belongings and my vintage items that had sentimental value. He knew that I never would've left them at his apartment if I would never see them again, yet he had no regard for my things and when asked by his low class family members if he wanted the items or not, he said NO, throw it all in the trash. HE IS A CREEPY SOCIOPATH. When I told him off, he sent me the above email, with the immature email address he created. The hilarious thing about his little game was the headers. They traced right to his hotel room, the hotel room that was paid for by the woman he just threatened to destroy and abuse.
Well, see what it got you? HA!
Don't you dare bully women, you douchebag.
p.s. Your former friends think you are a douche-nozzle.







There's A LOT MORE.
This is only FOUR women commenting.
There are NINE.
A word to the wise: STAY A AWAY. RUN, don't walk.
This person "joked" to TWO WOMEN about KILLING A BABY, and both times he was hung up on or told to shut up and told it was not even funny to joke about. We now realize that he IS NOT JOKING. He spoke about it far too many times. When drunk, and this is AFTER my relationship with him was far over, he told me he wanted to kill a baby and cook it. I told him he was sick and I threw down my phone. Hours later he called, laughing, and told me I was easy to fool. I just found out that for years, he told the same sick, depraved thoughts to another woman. He wanted to kill a strangers baby and take it to do things to, to cook, to possibly taste. Even typing this makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not telling this public to get revenge. I'm telling this to warn others and to protect women with children. It's no coincidence that he told two of us. I believe he means it. He told one women years ago, and he told me last fall. I'm tossing around the idea of contacting authorities. Now that I know it was no joke, I'm absolutely horrified.
Oh good GOD. He truly is a narcissist if he believes someone would go to all that trouble.
ReplyDeleteHun, I know what happened-especially on day long convos when he kept interrupting constantly to say, "Spooks, I love you so much. ". Or, "Harry's my little man!" when he'd do something bad. Hell, 95% of the time I was just listening because I didn't feel like talking.
He kept repeating the lies about ALF and being wanted by the FBI as if leaving one US territory (Alaska) and moving to another US territory (NJ) was going to put a kink in any plans the FBI had. Dumb shit.
Suz you KNOW I will back you up 100% on everything b/c I didn't hear everything he said, but remember that dumb shit was talking to me about how in love he was with you when you weren't available on phone. Again, telling me how much he was in love with you and wanted Harry to be his, and to have another child with you, etc.
We all know he's a liar. He has no right to say the things he said. You're one of the most beautiful people I know; inside and out. Don't let him bring you down. We are all here to support you. I know you're strong, but you don't always have to be. We're here for you.